Camp Curriculam

Essence of Bharat


Did you know that ancient Bharat made numerous scientific discoveries and inventions that have had a lasting impact on human knowledge and progress, and continue to inspire people around the world to this day?

Let’s get to know its rich lineage, heritage and its glory!

The recent pandemic taught us to revisit our time-tested cultural practices, traditions and helped us greatly to fight,  and overcome various challenges. Certainly, when we talk about cultures, Bharat is the motherland of global culture and scientific spirituality. 

We will provide a glimpse of Bharat’s contributions to the world in the following fields:

  • Mathematics
  • Astronomy 
  • Medicine 
  • Metallurgy 
  • Textiles 
  • Architecture 
  • Philosophy 
  • Agriculture 
  • Music 
  • Linguistics 
  • Navigation 
  • Yoga
  • Philosophy of Science
  • Psychology 

The science of harmony of self with nature is reflected in every aspect of Bharat’s culture i.e. food habits, festivals, clothes, architecture, traditions, rituals, and philosophy.

Science of Faith


Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. In scientific methodology we can get desired outputs by controlling the inputs and  transformation in a repeatable way. However, when we provide all possible inputs and believe in an outcome without understanding the transformation we enter the realm of faith. 

In faith we desire a higher outcome coupled by belief, commitment of our whole self and all our resources with the belief that the outcome will manifest. Faith refers to one’s belief, conviction or acceptance. The object of faith may be anything which appeals to your imagination, values, desires and expectations. It can be tied to a particular God, religion, person, teacher, teaching, system, instruction, institution, idea, and so on. When scientific reason fails and direct proof is absent, faith becomes the rationale. 

One may wonder, how is faith different from Shraddha? 

Faith helps to  understand ourselves, in the divine context, and break free of the mental barriers to achieve what may seem impossible. Shraddha is the first step to know the divine. In the fourth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna says, “Shraddhavan labhate gyanam”,  one with shraddha gains knowledge. Thus shraddha is a stepping stone, and with guidance of the Guru, belief in divinity eventually leads to self- knowledge. 

The pursuit of divinity within ourselves, is the foundation of Indian philosophy and spirituality. Divinity inherently exists in all of us, and we all have the possibility to manifest it. 

In this session we will discuss real life experiences about faith, how it helped many people to overcome challenges in life and achieve seemingly unimaginable outcomes.

Build your Stamina and Stability


Why do we feel tired and stressed? How do we build our stamina, endurance and stability? What are the best sustainable exercises and what do we choose from so many options available?

Our human body is unique and has extraordinary potential. Our wellbeing and vitality comes from the life force energy ”prana”.  Knowing the source of the energy and how we can tap into it has always been the quest. Prana flows in channels which are influenced by the energy centers or “Chakras” in the body. Yog Asans (physical postures), Pranayam (breathwork) and Bandhas (energy locks) help to balance chakras and harness the power of prana.  

Understanding basic fundamental functioning of our body helps to answer the above questions. Our Rishis performed extensive research and experiments on their bodies. After deep contemplation and experience and came up with simple sustainable techniques. Gurudev further simplified it in the unique form of Pragya Yog. It combines physical postures, breathwork, meditation and self inquiry. Incorporating it into a daily routine helps tremendously to build our stamina. Specific breath work like Pranakarshan pranayam helps reduce physical and mental stress and increase mental stability. In advanced practices, the three main Bandhas in the body can be practiced during yoga to boost energy and vitality in the body and mind. 

Pranic healing is a powerful technique that involves channeling universal life force energy through our hands to promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing. 

Incorporating these practices in our daily routines help unlock our full potential as human beings. 

Where do we start? What needs to be done? How long will it take? The practical session will help explain some basic, logical concepts, and also help us know and apply, through simple activities that can be incorporated in our everyday routine.

Reset your Metabolism


Metabolism slows down due to age and poor life choices including unnatural lifestyle (food, habits, routine). This may result in common ailments such as hypertension, allergies, back pain, knee pain, and mental illness. 

How do we reset the metabolism, and prevent and improve these ailments? We can fall back to proven ancient, scientific and spiritual practices that focus on healthy exchange with nature.

We will explore the following areas and more for a holistic approach to reset our metabolism. 

Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle

Ayurvedic principles suggest that each person has a unique Prakriti (constitution) and Dosha (imbalance). Knowing one’s own Prakriti and Dosha can help in identifying the best diet and lifestyle practices (such as fasting) to reset the metabolism.

Healing through Nature (Naturopathy)

Naturopathy uses natural remedies to promote healing. It involves the use of natural elements (sunlights, fresh air, pure water) and a nutritious diet. 

Science of Yagya (Yagyopathy) 

Yagya is a vedic ritual that involves the combustion of natural substances such as disease specific medicinal herbs, ghee, along with specific mantra chanting. Yagyopathy helps to nourish our complete ecosystem, promote physical, mental healing and emotional wellbeing. 


What Can/Should I do?


How do I handle pressure? 

What can help relieve stress and anxiety? 

Why pay it forward?

Survival is pressure. We all have to deal with it daily, even during sleep. Building capacity is the only solution to handling pressure. Handling Pressure can be quantified using the popular equation P = F/A , where

  • P is the ability to handle pressure,
  • F is force, which is the event or situation in life causing stress, and
  • A is area, which is the personal capacity building to deal with stressful events

Force for children can be peer pressure, academic pressure, parental pressure, etc. For adults, it can be work pressure, peer pressure, parenting pressures, financial and health pressures, health of parents, etc. For the elderly, it can be loneliness, adjusting to change, lack of purpose, and fear of losing belonging.

By learning to develop inner strength and emotional intelligence, you can equip yourself to tackle stress and anxiety.

For everyone, the question arises: What can or should I do? The answer is swadharma – your duty or dharma based on their phase of life. One has to find it in every aspect of life.

In this context, we will discuss the matrix of Karma, Bhakti and Gyan Yoga. Some techniques that help us build capacity or find our duty include:

  1. Sohum meditation, to be stable in self consciousness 
  2. Mantra chanting, to awaken inner potential 
  3. Tratak Sadhana, to concentrate and focus on self 

Doing selfless service (Aradhana) has proven benefits for all. We share different ways of paying it forward, to help our future generations.

Let the Sun shine on you


Every mantra in the Vedas is associated with a primary deity. The energy of that deity eventually empowers and strengthens the mantra. The primary deity of the Gayatri Mantra is the rising Sun in the early morning, known as Tat Savitur. The essence of this powerful mantra lies in the concept of the Gayatri Mantra, which directs attention to the rising sun and absorbs its light. It is this sun that is responsible for the transformation of the practitioner’s personality.

We will establish a connection between the practitioner and the sun, serving as the building blocks for the practice of Gayatri Sadhana. This session will either help establish a strong foundation or reconnect individuals with the fundamental practice of reciting the Gayatri Mantra on a daily basis. It is the first step in establishing a relationship with the energy of Savita devta, which is unlocked through the 24 beej sounds comprising the Gayatri Mantra. The combination of meditation (Dhyan) and mantra recitation (Jap) completes this process, making it potent and effective.

The session will also aid in advancing the practice and utilizing the essence of meditation to harness the power of the present moment. This moment represents a unique point where the practitioner and the Sun can merge as one. In the realm of spirituality, this is known as Advaita, where the energy of the Sun or its light is utilized to bless the energy centers of the body and shape a future dimension of one’s personality.

Daily Habits


Every mantra in the Vedas is associated with a primary deity. The energy of that deity eventually empowers and strengthens the mantra. The primary deity of the Gayatri Mantra is the rising Sun in the early morning, known as Tat Savitur. The essence of this powerful mantra lies in the concept of the Gayatri Mantra, which directs attention to the rising sun and absorbs its light. It is this sun that is responsible for the transformation of the practitioner’s personality.

We will establish a connection between the practitioner and the sun, serving as the building blocks for the practice of Gayatri Sadhana. This session will either help establish a strong foundation or reconnect individuals with the fundamental practice of reciting the Gayatri Mantra on a daily basis. It is the first step in establishing a relationship with the energy of Savita devta, which is unlocked through the 24 beej sounds comprising the Gayatri Mantra. The combination of meditation (Dhyan) and mantra recitation (Jap) completes this process, making it potent and effective.

The session will also aid in advancing the practice and utilizing the essence of meditation to harness the power of the present moment. This moment represents a unique point where the practitioner and the Sun can merge as one. In the realm of spirituality, this is known as Advaita, where the energy of the Sun or its light is utilized to bless the energy centers of the body and shape a future dimension of one’s personality.

Who am I? What am I?


It is one of the most fundamental questions that we all face at some point in our lives. What prompts us to question the very basic fabric of our being? Something that is already a given, an obvious choice made for us, just like our name?

It’s in our nature to be curious, we are almost compelled to question this basic reality, to understand where our anxieties, insecurities, joys and beliefs come from. In fact, like the noise of an airplane when you travel in it, this quest never stops, it just becomes more evident as soon as we stay in one place, and think.

The answer to this question and even the journey to find the answer leads to difficult answers and eventually character refinement. Its contemplation gives the answers as to what, invariably guides our understanding, confidence, goals, choices we make in our day to day lives. Along the journey to solve this mystery, more questions arise in a curious mind.

  • Why was I so angry today? Over something so trivial?
  • Even if they are not right for me, why can’t I let go?
  • Why do I feel lonely amongst so many people?

The most extensive search of Self-consciousness was done by our Rishis, who, after deep contemplation and experiencing the oneness, proclaimed that the Self is neither destructible nor changes and is a part of omnipresent, omniscient Universal self. What do the cryptic phrases Aham Brahmasmi, Tatvamasi, Sadchidanandoham mean? Who is the I (Aham, avam) in the above phrases? That’s the object of your quest, once you understand the root of your being, your cause, the possibilities of human potential are endless. 

As Rahim says, “Ekai sadhe sab sadhai, sab sadhe sab jay

Rahiman mulahin seechibo, foolai falai aghaay”. Water only the root, and the plant shall thrive! 

How does one begin this journey? What’s involved? How long will it take? The practical session will help explain some basic, logical concepts, and also help experience and reinforce the learnings, through simple activities that can be incorporated in our everyday routine.


Age Gracefully (Yuva Forever)


Aging is inevitable. The day we are born, we start aging. It is a natural part of being alive. Maintaining a youthful spirit and retaining cognitive abilities as we age are important and can be achieved by following certain practices in life. 

How to maintain a youthful personality regardless of age?

“In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln

Aging gracefully means getting older while maintaining the youthful outlook and being young at heart and spirit.

The reality of life is that life will give everyone a chance to take their last breath. Getting old is a privilege. Lot of people who are dead wish they were still alive. Therefore, this is the moment when you are alive, fill yourself with energy and bring the vigor in you. Feel great, peaceful and realize your worth. If you can do all these, then you are on the path to aging gracefully.

Life is a challenge, but to age gracefully is even more challenging. As you age you gain experience. All your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual abilities are continuously changing as we age. Do not get intimidated by the challenges of life, rather accept them, and overcome them. Awaken and rise with a goal of becoming extraordinary. Untangle your life from complexity to simplicity. Life is a force, do not live it forcefully, live with a vibrant force in you. Take steps to stay young forever. Following these steps will help maintain eternal youth (Yuva forever).

  • What daily practice will connect us with the fountain of youth? Amrit Varsha Dhyan, Nada Yoga.
  • What action in life will give us vigor to stay youthful? Donation of resources (Anshdaan, Samaydaan) 
  • What mindset should we adopt to avoid feeling old? Gratitude.
Stay Curious My Friends / Art of Communication


The true essence of communication lies in the art of listening rather than merely speaking. However, in today’s world, the balance seems to have shifted, depriving many hearts of the opportunity to express themselves. Developing the skill of being a proficient listener requires spiritual maturity. It is often said that empty vessels make the most noise, and similarly, constant self-expression often leaves us oblivious to understanding others and the world around us.

The key to connecting with others lies in creating an environment where they feel comfortable opening their hearts to us. This process demands stability and patience, reflecting the tranquility within an individual. Spiritual luminaries have long practiced the art of maintaining silence in their communication, recognizing that when they do speak, their words hold profound significance in spiritual life. The science of listening and the art of thoughtful speaking are the foundations of effective communication.

Misunderstandings and judgments often arise from broken communication channels. Fortunately, practical exercises can help improve these channels and establish a solid foundation for effective communication. Cultivating inquisitiveness allows individuals to learn about others and, in turn, helps us become better individuals ourselves. Once this journey of understanding others begins, expressing ourselves authentically becomes essential. The most valuable advice is not merely recited from a book but rather derived from lived experiences. Integrating one’s words with actions reinforces the power of our sermons and advice.